July 23, 2024

How to Use In-App Videos to Boost User Engagement

Get to know how you can use in-app videos in mobile apps to boost user engagement along with examples from well-known companies.

Aarzu Kedia

For mobile apps, where user attention spans are notoriously short, video content has emerged as a clear winner.

Videos have a unique ability to capture and maintain user attention in the fast-paced mobile environment. When used inside the app, it offers a multisensory experience that can quickly convey complex information, demonstrate app features, and create an emotional connection with users - all within a short timeframe.

This makes them particularly effective for onboarding, feature explanations, and driving user engagement for mobile apps.

What is an In-App Video?

It is a short, targeted video content integrated directly into a mobile application's user interface. These videos typically range from 30 seconds to 3 minutes and appear in modals, tooltips, or the main interface.

Unlike traditional video content, these videos are tailored to the app- delivering concise information to increase user understanding and engagement through welcome messages, feature explanations, tutorials, or promotions.

Types of In-App Videos

In-app videos come in several formats, each designed to serve specific purposes within the user experience:

A) Welcome Videos

These are brief, engaging introductions that greet users when they first launch the app or create an account. They set the tone for the app experience, show its value, and give a brief summary of its main features.

B) Tutorial Videos

These instructional videos guide users through specific features or processes within the app. They can be quick tips or detailed guides that help users understand complex features and make learning easier.

C) Gamification GIFs

Gamification is critical to drive user engagement- short, animated video sequences add a layer of fun and motivation to the user experience. User actions, such as completing a task or reaching a milestone, often trigger them, providing instant positive reinforcement.

D) Feature Highlight Videos

These videos highlight new or updated features of the app that users may not notice otherwise. They're particularly effective for promoting feature adoption and keeping long-term users engaged with evolving app capabilities.

E) Story-Style Videos

Mimicking the popular social media story format, these videos offer a familiar and engaging way to present content. They can quickly display products, promote limited-time offers, or share user-generated content.

How to Use Video for User Engagement

A) User Onboarding

Onboarding is a critical phase in the user journey, and in-app videos can make it smoother and more engaging.

Turtlemint, an app that lets its users buy kinds of insurance, uses Video Stories to build trust with its users - by showcasing its wide reach (used by 2.8L+ users), its insurance partners and its partnership with Dhoni.

Turtlemint uses in-app stories to build trust

B) Feature Adoption

In-app videos can be powerful tools for promoting new or underutilized features.

Niyo, a banking app, wanted to encourage more users to use their new international debit card. They used a full-page video to introduce the card and communicate its benefits.

Niyo annouced its card with a full page in-app video

C) Quick Transactions

In-App videos can simplify the purchase journey for e-commerce, food and other apps.

Eatsure uses Stories with videos to promote quick checkouts. This feature makes it easier for users to place orders, enhancing the user experience and potentially increasing conversion rates.

Jar uses Plotline's Spotlight to improve monetization
Eatsure uses in-app stories for quick checkouts

D) Upsell and Cross-sell

In-app videos can be effective for promoting additional products or services to existing users.

Swiggy Dineout offers users curated stories to explore restaurants, read reviews, and find deals. This approach not only improves engagement but also increases adoption of the Dineout feature among users.

swiggy in-app stories
Swiggy uses in-app videos to promote Dineout

E) Deals and Offers

Attracting user attention to special deals and offers is crucial for driving sales and increasing customer loyalty.

Blinkit, a quick commerce platform, introduced engaging Picture-in-Picture videos to showcase new deals.

Blinkit uses PiP Videos to showcase new deals

F) Retention

User engagement and retention is a key challenge for many apps.

PokerBaazi uses Video Stories to make their online poker platform more engaging. This helped keep users interested and encouraged them to spend more time on the app.

PokerBaazi uses in-app video stories to engage users

Creating Impactful In-App Video Experiences

To maximise the effectiveness of in-app videos, consider the following best practices:

☑️ Keep it Concise

Respect users' time by keeping videos short and to the point. Aim for 30 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on the complexity of the content.

☑️ Ensure Contextual Relevance

Trigger videos at appropriate moments in the user journey.

☑️ Optimise for Mobile Viewing

Design videos with mobile screens in mind. Use large, clear text, and ensure that important visual elements are easily visible on smaller screens.

☑️ Provide Value Quickly

Capture attention in the first few seconds by clearly communicating the video's purpose and value to the user.

☑️ Include Clear Call-to-Actions

End videos with a clear call to action for the viewer, like trying a feature, buying something, or watching more content.

☑️ Ensure Accessibility

Add captions for users who are deaf or hard of hearing. Ensure that your video player is compatible with screen readers for visually impaired users.

☑️ Allow User Control

Give users the option to pause, replay, or skip videos. This respects user preferences and prevents videos from becoming intrusive.

☑️ Maintain Brand Consistency

Make sure your videos match your brand's style, tone, and message for a consistent user experience.

☑️ Tailor The Experience

Where possible, customise content based on user demographics, behaviour, or preferences to increase relevance and engagement.

Final Thoughts

When using videos in your app, make sure to customize them for various user groups. Keep the videos short and launch them directly within the app. Test and iterate your ideas regularly to see what’s most effective.

Plotline helps product and marketing teams in high-growth consumer companies build dynamic in-app campaigns that match your design theme,

All with lightning speed, and without engineering effort- So that you can experiment and iterate rapidly.

Are you interested in exploring how in-app videos can boost the metrics for your mobile app? Start your free trial with us.


How do in-app videos compare in effectiveness to other forms of in-app advertising or engagement tools?

In-app videos generally outperform static content in engagement and information retention. They can convey complex information more quickly and effectively than text or images alone. However, their effectiveness can vary depending on the use case and implementation.

What are the specific metrics or KPIs to measure the success of in-app videos?

Key metrics for measuring the success of in-app videos include view rates, completion rates, engagement rates (such as clicks). Also check for impact on broader app metrics like feature adoption rates, time spent in the app, and user retention rates.

Is it possible to personalize in-app videos for each user, and what is the method for doing so?

Yes, in-app videos can be personalised. This can be done by using data on user behaviour, preferences, and demographics to serve relevant video content. For example, a fitness app might show different workout videos to users based on their fitness level or goals.

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